
Acest proiect a fost finanțat cu sprijinul Comisiei Europene.Aceasta comunicare reflecta numai punctul de vedere al autorului, iar Comisia nu este responsabila de utilizarea informațiilor conținute de aceasta comunicare.

joi, 3 noiembrie 2016

Project Summary

Activitites: flow 5, 14-20.06.2016
See more:Flow 5- training activities

Flow 5

The general objective of the project has corresponded to the need of increasing the number of 
VET learners mobilities in our school and was part of the objectives of Erasmus + Programme, Appeal 2014 about promoting transnational mobility activities in order to acquire knowledge, abilities and competences meant to contribute to increasing chances of the participants’ integration on the European labour market.

This general objective has been fulfilled through the participation to the project mobilities of a number of 66 VET learners from our school.

The specific objectives have been fulfilled completely and according to the project proposal through developing the professional competences of the group of 66 participants, through training mobilities in the partner institutions in Germany as it follows:

-      - 38 participants from the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection profile, code 0520, out of whom: 15- Chemistry Lab Technician and 23 - Environment Technician and Environment Quality Controlling, have acquired new professional competences in the domain of applying the methods of separation and purification of substances.

-      - 28 participants from the Technical profile, qualification: Automation Technician, code 0714, have acquired new professional competences of characterizing, presenting and analyzing automation systems.

-     - all 66 participants have developed their linguistic and social competences through communicating in English during mobilities and through the new work and life environment where they had to adjust to another, to work in a team, to have better relations with one another and to become more tolerant.

The project has been of VET learners in VET institution type and has included a single mobility activity of a number of 66 participants sustained by 7 accompanying persons which was developed on three qualifications in 5 flows in 3 different host institutions in Germany:

-flow 1, between 05.05.- 18.05.2015, 24 participants out of whom: 12 from the Automation Technician qualification and 12 from Natural Resources and Environmental Protection , host institution: BerufskollegUerdingen Krefeld, Germany.

- flow 2, between 05.06 - 18.06. 2015, 7 participants - Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, host institution: SBG Dresden, Germany.

- flow 3, between 20.10 - 02.11.2015, 14 participants - Automation Technician, host institution: WBS Training AG, Dresden branch, Germany.

- flow 4, between 03.05 - 16.05.2016, 7 participants, profile: Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, host institution: SBG Dresden, Germany.

- flow 5, between14.06 – 27.06.2016, 12 participants, profile: Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, host institution: BerufskollegUerdingen Krefeld, Germany.

During mobilities, all participants have accomplished a training programme based on a module from the national curricula, according to the educational plan for the corresponding qualifications:

-   Automation Technician – Module 4 – Automation Systems – XI-th grade

-   Chemistry Lab Technician – Module 1 – Methods of separation and purification – XI-th grade

-   Environment Technician and Environment Quality Controlling – Module 3 – Basic operations in the laboratory – XI-th grade

The last two modules (M1 and M3) have had the same specific competences.

The daily works  for each qualification has been developed in the Learning Agreement made with the participant and the receiving institutions before mobility and has been fully completed as progressive learning situations.

The projected has been implemented in ECVET system and has represented a step in the plan of improving the participants’ personal and professional competences and of recognizing the learning outcomes acquired through carrying out a training programme in a foreign country, based on the specific documents – Memorandum of Understanding, Learning Agreement and Europass Mobility.

Bythis project we have promoted learning recognition, using ECVET instruments mentioned in the Erasmus + professional training programmes, the training period being validated and recognized for all participants through acquiring the credit points assigned to respective module.

All the objectives initially proposed through the project have been completely fulfilled with very good results and the impact on the participants has been very strong from the point of view of the professional training but also from that of the social competences. The participants’ self-esteem has increased and also their confidence in accomplishing assumed tasks in new work conditions; they have understood better the concept of European citizenship, the necessity of knowing a foreign language of international circulation; they have become more analytical, more responsible and more reliable.

One of the outcomes that have surpassed the objectives initially proposed has been the development of European cooperation with the new receiving institutions in Germany which will continue, having already signed agreements for the next years.
Flow 4, 03-16.05.2016, training activities: 
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